[ و مردى را دید که براى زیان دشمن خویش مى‏کوشید و به خود زیان مى‏رسانید بدو فرمود : ] تو کسى را مانى که به خود نیزه‏اى فرو برد تا آن را که پس وى سوار است بکشد . [نهج البلاغه]

پایگاه اطلاع رسانی مباشر


62. “O people! I am the Straight Path of God, whom He has ordained you to
follow; and after me, it is Ali, and then my discordance, who shall be the
Leaders of the Guidance and will guide you to the righteousness and beauty.”


Then the Messenger of God announced:

‘In the name of Allah, (Who"s) the most Merciful Bountiful

Praise be to God only Lord of the worlds,

The Source of Grace, Mercy, Fair, and the Force,

Ruler of the Day when Repayments begin,

Owner of the Day when the Decree’s given!

Alone You we worship, You only the Wise,

From You the Sublime we ask for the rise,

Lead us into Direct Path of all the roads,

The Path of the Right, for repayment, You chose,

Not of those who were dishonored, neither those

Disowned by Your anger; thrown off the course!’ (The Opening: 1-7).


And then he continued:

‘This Verse has been sent down regarding me, and the Imams are appointed and
included in it. They are God’s Friends, and indeed they do not fear nor will
they grieve! (Jonah: 10/62).

Ah, of course the party of God is victorious! (The Heavenly Food: 5/56).


Know that the enemies of the Imams are nothing but ignorant, who have been led
astray from the Direct Path; they are the Demons’ allies, who bring nothing to
people but bothering, insignificant and useless things, (Livestock: 6/112).


64. Know that God, in His Book, has expressed about the friends of the Imam,
thus: ‘(O Prophet,) you find not a people believing in God, and the Last Day,
yet showing love for those who oppose God, and His Messenger– even if they are
their own fathers, sons, their brothers or anyone from their family connection.
With such [people], God has engraved faith on their hearts. Assisted them with
the spirit of His Own, and He will admit them into the gardens where streams
flow by their trees, to live in [forever]. God will be pleased with them, and
they are pleased with Him. They are the lovers of God. Ah! Victorious are the
lovers of God!’ (The Pleading Woman: 58/22).


65. Know that the friends of the
Imams are those believers who have been described in the Qur’an, as: ‘Those who
have believed and not cloaked their faith in transgressing will feel more secure
and will be guided.’ (Livestock: 6/82).


66. “Know that their friends are those who have achieved firm faith, and they
have never doubted. (The Chambers: 49/15).


67. Know that the Imam’s friends
are these who shall enter Paradise in peace, in great security, and the Angels
will move humbly to their encounter to greet them thus: ‘Peace upon you! You are
purified, so then enter forever into Paradise!’ (The Rocky Tract: 15/46).


68. Know that Paradise is the reward of their friends, where they shall receive
extra provision. (The Believer: 40/40).


69. Know that their enemies will enter
the Fire, (The Woman: 4/10),


70. and will hear the moaning and groaning flames, while the infernal Flames
roars and blazes; they will hear afflicting horrible cries. (The Kingdom: 67/7).


71. Know that God has stated about their enemies, ‘Every time, when a nation
enters the Fire, it will curse its own kind,’ as the Qur’an says, ‘Until when
they have all caught up with one another, the last ones will say about the first
ones: Lord, these (people) have misled us, so give them double chastisement from
the Fire!’ [O Prophet,] say: ‘Each will have double, but you do not realize it.’
(The Heights: 7/38).


72. Know that the enemies of the Imams are those about whom God has stated as
this: ‘When a group of them is cast into Fire, the Hell keepers, will ask them:
"Did a Warner not come to you?" They will reply: ‘yes indeed, a Warner came to
us, but we denied any of them, saying: “God has not revealed you anything and
you are in a gross error.’” Then they say: ‘Had we listened to their advice and
used our reason, we would have not been among the inhabitants of this Hell!’

After confessing their sins, it will be said to them: ‘So away with the abiders
of the blazing Fire!’ (The Kingdom: 67/8-11).


73. Know that their friends fear
their Lord in secret, thus, there will be immense reward for them. (The Kingdom:


74. O people! How great is the gap between the Fire, and the great reward!


O people! God has damned and degraded our enemies but, He loves and praises our
[close] friends.


76. O people! Know that I am here to warn you, and Ali is the man who will guide


77. Know that, I am a Warner and Ali is a Guide.


78. O people! Know that I am a Messenger, and Ali is my immediate successor.


79. O people! Know that I am the Messenger, and Ali is, after I am gone, my
successor, and the holy Imams following him, his descendants are all of them.

And let it be known that I am their father, and they are Ali’s lineage, one
after another!”

Moosa Mobasheri ::: چهارشنبه 90/8/18::: ساعت 9:40 عصر

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