هرکه عیب های نهانی را بکاود، خداوند از دوستی دل ها محرومش کند . [امام علی علیه السلام]

پایگاه اطلاع رسانی مباشر

101. “O people! You are too many to shake hands with me now! On the other hand,
my Lord has commanded me to receive your oath and "word” regarding with Ali,
Lord of believers, that I have declared; and about the Imams who shall come
after him, as well those from my lineage and his lineage then – as I already
defined it to you: they are my descendants, and are his lineage.


Therefore, say it altogether: ‘We did indeed hear your word and obey thus, and
we are quite pleased, and shall submit us to what you have made known to us,
with respect from our Lord, and from your part, about this subject of Ali, the
Lord of the believers, and the Imams who will be born from his ‘Breed’. We swear
allegiance with you, with our hearts, souls, tongues and our hands that we will
live with this belief, and leave this world with this belief, and so will we
rise on the Day of Judgement!

And we will not change it, nor will we transform it; we will not have any doubt,
nor will we deny it; we will not let doubts or hesitations enter our heart, nor
will we turn away from this oath, or break our covenant regarding what you have
advised us with the Divine Preaching, Ali, Lord of the believers, and the Imams
who will come after him; Hassan and Husseyn; and the ones whom God has appointed
to come after them.

Thus, a pledge and a covenant have been taken from us, and we have done it with
our hearts, souls, tongues, minds and hands. Then, one who was able, pledged by
shaking hands, but if not, with his tongue. And never shall we change this oath,
or God may not Witness any transformation from us...! We shall make this news
from you known to all those who are [either] close to us, or far from us: to our
kids and relatives; and we shall take God as our Witness! And God is Sufficient
in this evidence, and you are, in this oath, our witness.’”


103. “O people, what do you say now? God indeed hears every single call, and is
aware of any hidden thought going on in your minds! Thus, whosoever receives
guidance, it is for his benefit, and whosoever goes astray, it is only to his
deficit. (The Throngs: 39/41).

And those who swear allegiance to you, they swear allegiance to God, for God"s
hand rests above their hands, (The Victory: 48/10).


104. O people, now, swear
allegiance with God, and swear so with me; and swear allegiance with Ali, the
Lord of the believers, and do swear allegiance with Hassan and Hosseyn, as well
with the Imams who will surely follow them – those who hold ceaseless commands
in this world and the world to come.

God certainly destroys those who tread on their oath, but He bestows His Grace
upon those who are loyal and true. Therefore, one who breaks his oath, he abuses
his soul, but one who fulfills his oath with God, God bestows on him a great
Reward [of His]! (The Victory: 48/10).


105. O people! Repeat what I have told you to do, and greet Ali, as a great man
who is ‘The Lord of the believers’, and confess: ‘We heard and obeyed! O our
Lord, so, we beg Your Forgiveness, and our return is toward You!’ (The Cow: a
part of 285).

And say: “All praise is to God Who led us to this; or else, we would never have
been guided if God had not led us on. Surely the messengers brought (us) the
Truth.”… (The Heights: 7/43).


106. O people! The virtues of Ali, the Son of
Talib, with God Almighty, Who has counted in the Holy Qur’an, are in certainly
too many for me to cite them to you in this gathering! So, you should approve
and confirm those who ground you of these qualities, and have the grasp of them!


107. O people! Whoever obeys God and His Messenger, and Ali, and the Imams, whom
I have mentioned to you earlier, will achieve the greatest salvation! (The
Coalition: 33/71).


108. O people! Those who anticipate, [being the first
candidate], to swear him allegiance and to accept his Guardianship, and to greet
him as the ‘Lord of the Believers’, will attain Salvation, and will dwell in the
Gardens of Blessings!


109. O people! Say such a word that it satisfies God, for even if you, and all
dwellers on the Earth, become unbelievers, no harm approaches God.


110. O God!
Forgive those believers who believe in what I have commanded them to! And be
wrathful against all those who deny, and the heretic sinners and:

Praise belongs to the Lord of all beings!”


In the quarter of the Masculine Proper,

Amid the rain of affection and favour,

There is no way to the immoral,

But only to the Reverent and Moral!




Fair copied and proofread:

on the Assigned Day of the Commander of the faithful,

and the Highness Zahra (upon her be peace)

Aghdaseiie, Tehran.

At 9 am, 15/11/1385


S. Hosein Hoseiny 

Moosa Mobasheri ::: چهارشنبه 90/8/18::: ساعت 9:38 عصر

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