بدترین برادران کسى است که براى او به رنج افتى . [ چه رنج افتادن مستلزم مشقّت است . و این شرّ را برادرى که براى او به رنج افتاده‏اند سبب شده . پس او بدترین برادران است . ] [نهج البلاغه]

پایگاه اطلاع رسانی مباشر


34. Then he added: “O people! Who is to you, in most privilege than you
yourselves?” They said, ‘It is God, and His prophet – you.’ So he said, “Now let
it be known that, “Whosoever I am a master to, so is Ali his master.” Then he
added: “O Lord: please love those who love his Authority, and be the enemy to
one who is his enemy. And assist one who helps him, but do not support one who
holds him apart.


35. O people! This is Ali, [as] my brother, executor and so
is he my [aide and] Knowledge keeper! And he is my successor for my people who,
believe in me, and he is my successor who aided me in the interpretation of the
Book of God, and he is the one who will invite people to that. He puts into
practice whatever pleases God, and he makes war against the enemies of His. And
he befriends those who believe in Him, and forbids the things outlawed by Him.


36. It is he, who is the successor of the Messenger of God; the Lord of the
Believers, and the Imam who guides [people] by the Command of God; and by His
Command, he destroys those wicked who break their oaths, the vicious who turn
away from goodness and righteousness – and those heretic who ran away from the


37. God Almighty States: ‘My Word of Promise never displaces.’”

“O Lord! Thus I say according to Your Command: ‘O Lord! Love those who love this
Ali, and be foe to them, who are the foes of Ali, assist those who enjoy
assisting Ali and abase him who declines to help this Ali. Do curse whosoever
disavows him, and send Your Wrath upon them!’”


38. “O Lord! When You Yourself appointed Ali as the Guardian, You sent down this
Verse about him and announced: ‘Today, I have perfected your religion for you,
and I have completed my Blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam as Religion
for you; (The Table: 5/3). And also You stated: “In fact, religion in sight of
God is Islam, (The Family of Imran: 3/9); You also stated: “And whoever chooses
any religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the
Hereafter, he will be among the losers,’” (The Family of Imran 3/85).


39. “O
Lord! I take You as a Witness that I uttered people Your Command.

Moosa Mobasheri ::: چهارشنبه 90/8/18::: ساعت 9:42 عصر

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